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The Douglas Diablos outdone by Epperson and the Raton Osos 7-5


CJ Epperson went 2-4 and hit a home run as the Raton Osos (22-33) took home a 7-5 victory over the Douglas Diablos (26-33) at Gabriele Park on Monday. He homered in the first innings and singled in the second inning.

Tim Sylvester recorded his third win of the year for the Raton Osos. He allowed four runs over six innings. Sylvester struck out two, walked two and gave up eight hits.

Bret DeRooy (4-2) took the loss for the Douglas Diablos. He allowed seven runs in seven innings, walked two and struck out one.
  R    H    E 
DOU     5    10    4 
RAT     7    13    4