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Players currently in MLB or MILB that played in Pecos League.

Eric Yardley Active
Jared Koenig Active
Chris Mazza Active
Logan Gillespe Active
Zaquiel Puentes Active
Duncan Snider Active
Darrell Thompson Active
Mark Simon InActive
Coleton Horner InActive
Carlos Diaz InActive
Nick Anderson InActive
Kevin McGovern InActive
Jon Edwards InActive
Chris Smith InActive
Johnny Bladel InActive
Yermin Mercedes InActive
Josh Tols InActive
Charley Short InActive
Nick Rodesky InActive
Omar Artsen InActive
Justin Choate InActive
Devin Malone InActive
Jesse Stinnett InActive
Chris Peacock InActive
Michael Heller InActive
Marty Anderson InActive
Kevin Kelleher InActive
Dylan Thompson InActive
Johnathon Tripp InActive